Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Moving Day

It's not every day that furniture is moved around at the Bush House Museum, so this past Monday was a big day.

Large pieces of furniture were taken apart, including this sideboard:

Some items were moved into different rooms, and some were moved into storage: down one flight of steps, through three doorways, and up another flight of steps. Ooof.

Interesting discoveries were made.

For example, as you can see, we found out that our dining table was made by one A.T. Yeaton in "Salem, O.r.". Pretty cool. The sideboard in the first photo was made by a man named Wallace in Walla Walla, WA.

Finally, the truck arrived with the new (old) furniture.

Can you see the word "Bush" inscribed in pencil? This photo shows the top of a sideboard that was delivered yesterday -- the sideboard that belonged to the Bush family when they lived here. As of Monday afternoon, we also have the family's original dining table and chairs, a display cabinet, a marble statue, and some books from the libraries of Asahel Bush II and his son, A.N. Bush.

These items are on loan to us from the estate of Sam Bush, the great-great-grandson of Asahel Bush II. They will be on display for a limited time, so make sure to come by sometime in the next twenty years to see them...

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